Rules for writing and submitting articles

Rules for writing and submitting articles

  1. Article in Vietnamese or English, never published in other publications.
  2. Article submitted as word file in Times New Roman font; font size 11; top margin, bottom margin, right margin  20 mm, left margin 30 mm; Line spacing Multiple 1.2; formatted image jpg, bmp, gif, png, size no more than 7×14 cm; figures and tables with serial numbers and names; single line spacing). Figure title is below the figure (italic, bold). Table titles above the table (italics, bold). Formulas typed using MathType.
  3. This article is the result of the author's scientific research. length from 8 to 15 page A4 size; divided into subsections numbered in order: 1,2; 1.1, 1.2; 1.1.1; Structure includes:

          Article name in Vietnamese and English.

          Summary (about 150 to 200 words) and key word (3 – 5 words)  in Vietnamese and English, providing brief information about the meaning and main contents of the article.

          Preamble about the necessity, meaning, and goals of the article. Obligatory New or different focus compared to previous studies.

          Overview/theoretical basis Presents concepts and terms related to the topic, and related research works of other authors.

          Research Methods Provide detailed information about data collection methods and tools, research population and sample, experimental design model (if any) and data processing methods.

          Results and Discussion data presentation illustrated objectively and accurately, can be combined with figures/data tables. Analyze or discuss research results. Propose solutions/measures to solve the problem.

          Conclude presents a summary of the main results. Propose further research directions (if any).

          References: Documents cited in the article are listed correctly and completely in the References section and vice versa. Principles for presenting documents and citing sources according to APA 7 standardsth.

4. At the end of the article, you need to clearly state your full name, scientific title, academic degree, agency name and address, phone, email and confirm that there is no conflict of interest.

5. The author is responsible for the content of the article (citing sources, survey data, etc.). The Editorial Board reserves the right to make corrections at the request of the Journal.

6. The author is not a member of the Editorial Council or an officer or employee outside the City Education Management School. HCM when sending papers and paying fees according to the School's internal revenue and expenditure regulations.

7. All articles printed in the Science Magazine will be published in full text on the following websites:;

8. Contact address, submission of articles: Editorial Board of Journal of Educational Management Science

No. 07 – 09 Nguyen Binh Khiem, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


Phone: 02839103869


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