13. Improve the workforce quality of Khmer ethnic minority in Southwest region to contribute to poverty reduction in a stabilized way

13. Improve the workforce quality of Khmer ethnic minority in Southwest region to contribute to poverty reduction in a stabilized way


Ethnic group Khmer is one of those ethnic minorities in Southwest Vietnam that concentrates mainly in Soc Trang anh Tra Vinh province. Southwest Vietnam (or be called as Red River Delta) is a fertile area, high in economic potentiality. To exploit this potentiality, strengths of this region, beside the implementation of social-economic development strategy of the country, the state need to increase those policies aim at developing the regions of ethnic minorities, in which there’re regions of Khmer and Southwest Vietnam. Especially, to improve the quality of workforce of Khmer ethnic group to contribute to the development of economy-society of Southwest Vietnam in a stabilized way. National Assembly and the State, for many years, have issued many regimes and policies, of which, the policy of improving the quality of workforce and labor source with high qualification level is especially cared.

Detailed article content in the attached file.

Article author: NGUYEN NGOC CHUNG

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